Showcase Emerging Talent to Industries

La Fondation Dassault Systèmes in India launches nationwide program to showcase emerging engineering talent to industries across India and provide a platform to students to catch industry attention for employability / internship opportunities

As part of its Industry-Academia connect program empowering Workforce of the Future, La Fondation Dassault Systemes in India has launched nationwide program, which will provide platform to Engineering Students to showcase their Engineering talent through their project demonstration. La Fondation Dassault Systemes in India is organizing series of one day conferences across major cities in India, in which industry leaders from various industries will be invited. In these conferences, La Fondation Dassault Systemes will showcase qualified engineering projects done by the students, through project presentations, videos, actual demonstration of working prototypes/products and/or through Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality experiences.

Through this program, we wish to provide a platform to the students to be visible to industries across India which can help the students to catch industry attention for possible employment, internship, or industry project opportunities. Through project showcase, students will get a chance to demonstrate their engineering skills and knowhow through their projects.

Industry-Academia connect program > La Fondation Dassault Systèmes

Industry Expectations from emerging talent

Industry leaders expect to see demonstrated skills and know-how through the actual work done by the students which can be evident through their projects as an outcome and not to rely upon the claims made in the resumes. Through such projects, industry experts would like to see application of engineering concepts and emerging technologies as applied by students to solve pertinent engineering and/or socially relevant problems. The industry experts also expect to check if students are ‘Industry Ready’ and to see readiness of such future engineers with emerging technologies, their comfort with emerging technologies and its applications.

Connect, Collaborate and Engage

Many opportunities exist in the engineering industries, start-up eco system, engineering service providers, Engineering consultants, government organizations. However with geographical spread of our country, all of these potential opportunity providers are not connected with all the academic institutes, universities and the student eco system. La Fondation Dassault Systemes, through it’s Industry-Academia connect program empowering Workforce of the Future, is creating such platform for all essential constitutes of this eco system across India viz Industries, Academia and Students community; to ConnectCollaborate and Engage.

La Fondation Dassault Systemes in India is launching series of programs to help the eco system to achieve these objectives. Students Project Display is one such program, to showcase emerging talent to the industries.

Students presenting their projects > La Fondation Dassault Systèmes